Biyernes, Pebrero 3, 2012

Europe freezes in cold winter weather

More than 120 deaths linked to temperatures as low as -32.5C, while 11,000 villagers are trapped by snow in Serbian mountains

More than 120 cold-related deaths have been reported across eastern Europe, many among homeless people, and at least 11,000 people are trapped by heavy snow in mountain villages in Serbia.

Dr Milorad Dramacanin, who took part in helicopter evacuations in central Serbia, said: "The situation is dramatic, the snow is up to five metres high in some areas, you can only see rooftops."

Up to 300 people are stranded in Bosnia, with choppers supplying food and medication.

Goran Milat, one of those residents cut off, said: "We are thankful for this help. But the snow did what it did and we are blocked here until spring."

The conditions also forced the closure of the airport in Montenegro's capital Podgorica.

In Poland, where temperatures have dropped to -22C, officials have been trying to direct homeless people away from derelict unheated buildings and into crammed shelters.

Eleven people around the country have died since Friday from carbon monoxide poisoning after using charcoal heaters in sealed rooms.

In Bulgaria, more than 1,000 schools are closed after some areas saw the lowest temperatures since records began a century ago. Ukraine recorded deaths as the mercury sank as low as -32.5C (-26.5F).

Germany saw daytime temperatures on Thursday at below -10C, while Paris saw -8C and Stockholm recorded -13C. Parts of Italy have struggled with heavy snow, with freezing temperatures also seen in Greece and the Black Sea coast.

One nation is hoping to make the best of the big freeze: the speed-skating obsessed Dutch. Authorities have banned boats from some of Amsterdam's canals and turned off pumps in the hope the still water will freeze over.

The ambition is a sufficient stretch of ice to stage the Elfstedentocht ? 11 Town Tour ? a 125-mile skate over frozen canals and lakes in the country's north. It has only been staged 15 times since the first official event in 1909.

The US has enjoyed a very mild winter, with unseasonably warm temperatures and a lack of snow. But Pennsylvania's famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, predicted six more weeks of winter in his annual appearance in the spotlight. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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