? UN peacekeeping experts head to Damascus
? Russia says Syria has begun implementing peace plan
? Egypt's Islamists clash over presidential candidates
? Read the latest summary
Here's a summary of developments so far today:
? An advance team from the UN's peacekeeping department is expected in Damascus over the next two days to discuss deployment of observers to monitor a ceasefire in Syria. Meanwhile, Russia says Syria has begun implementing the UN-backed peace plan.
? The Syrian president is unlikely to hold on to power much longer, according to his uncle, Rifaat al-Assad. "The problems are now general to all parts of Syria ? there are no places that have escaped violence ? so I don't think he can stay in power," Rifaat told the BBC.
? A Salafist candidate in the Egyptian presidential election is reportedly being pressurised to withdraw in favour of the Muslim Brotherhood's nominee ? thus avoiding a split in the Islamist vote.
? A human rights group says the Bahrain Grand Prix should be cancelled if political detainee Abdulhadi Alkhawaja dies on hunger strike.
a recent opinion poll) is being leaned on to withdraw ? with an offer of the vice-presidency if the Brotherhood's candidate, Khairat al-Shater, wins. The Egypt Independent says:
More friction among Egypt's Islamists over the presidential election. The Egypt Independent reports that the Salafist preacher Hazem Salah Abu Ismail (who had 22.7% support inSenior leaders of the Salafi movement met with Islamic preacher Hazem Salah Abu Ismail Tuesday to convince him to drop his bid for president in favor of another Islamist candidate.
Abu Ismail left the meeting angrily, according to sources informed of the meeting.
In the five-hour meeting, held at the Nour Party's Alexandria office, the leaders told Abu Ismail he should bow out of the race if he does not win the support of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, Nour Party and Jama'a al-Islamiya to avoid splitting votes between Islamist candidates.
The sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the Salafi movement asked Abu Ismail to step aside for the FJP's newly named nominee Khairat al-Shater, and in return be named the latter's vice president.
Sheikh Gamal Saber, Abu Ismail's campaign coordinator, said the meeting falsely aimed to convince Salafis that Abu Ismail lacks the support of Islamist political groups.
"Abu Ismail will not leave the race for the sake of another candidate, and will not let down thousands of his supporters," Saber said. "If anybody should bow out, that would be Shater, whose reasons for running remain vague."
From Bahrain, via the Associated Press, news of a row earlier today in parliament:
Bahrain's culture minister is facing demands for her dismissal after calling conservative lawmakers "not real men" for opposing an annual arts festival under way in Manama.
Sheikha Mai bin Mohammad Al Khalifa issued the barb during a stormy parliament session Tuesday over the cultural events. Hardliners say the event should be cancelled in solidarity with the uprising against Syria's regime.
Sheikha Mai called her critics "not real men" for allegedly sending children and others to try to disrupt the festival. Some lawmakers threatened to boycott parliament until she is ousted.
Bahrain's Sunni monarchy backs cultural and sporting events in attempts to show stability, despite a nearly 14-month-long uprising by the kingdom's Shia majority.
Russia's foreign ministry says the Syrian government has begun implementing Kofi Annan's UN-backed peace plan. The Associated Press reports:
Russia has a keen interest in seeing Kofi Annan's plan succeed, given Moscow's role as Assad's key ally. Moscow has thrown its support behind Annan, the joint UN and Arab League envoy for Syria, and urged Damascus to quickly comply with his proposal.
The plan gives an April 10 deadline for troops to pull out [of towns and cities].
The foreign ministry said in a statement that Riad Haddad, the Syrian ambassador to Moscow, told Russia's deputy foreign minister Mikhail Bogdanov that Damascus had begun fulfiilling its obligations under the plan. The statement didn't say which, if any, troops had been withdrawn or provide other details.
Does the Bahraini interior ministry think its Tweets are helping the regime's propaganda offensive? Here on the live blog we're struggling to understand them ...
MOI Minister: this distinguished discipline has foiled all plans to take us back to the point of origin #Bahrain
? Ministry of Interior (@moi_bahrain) April 3, 2012
MOI Minister: the duty has to be preformed and work continues & those who are after our self-esteem will see us in the field #Bahrain
? Ministry of Interior (@moi_bahrain) April 3, 2012
Horrific video footage has emerged from the Baba Amr area of Homs claiming to show soldiers boasting of shooting rebels in the eye.
It purports show three soldiers in a bloodstained room containing the bodies of at least seven men, two of whom appear to have been shot through the eye. It is not clear when the unverified footage was filmed [warning: disturbing content].
"biased and unprofessional" coverage of the Syrian uprising, elaborates on his criticisms of Arab TV in an article for Comment is free. He writes:
Ali Hashem, the journalist who resigned from al-Jazeera last month after complaining aboutMedia outlets have become like parties; politics dominates the business ... and people can't really depend on one channel to get their full news digest. It is as if the audience have to do journalists' homework by cross-checking sources and watching two sides of a conflict to get one piece of news.
The problem isn't who is telling lies and who is accurate. Media organisations are giving the part of the story that serves the agenda of their financier, so it's clear that only part of the truth is exposed while the other part is buried.
What is obvious is that the investment in credibility [by al-Jazeera and others] during the past two decades has been in vain. The elite are once again dealing with Arab news channels the way they used to do with Arab state media.
Once again, people have started relying more on western media to know what's going on. That is reflected in the number of viewers the BBC Arabic TV channel gained during the past year ...
Governments who own media organisations in the Middle East, and impose their agendas, are pushing them towards journalistic suicide.
The UN's head of emergency relief, Valerie Amos has put her weight behind Red Cross efforts to secure humanitarian access to areas worst hit by the violence in Syria.
The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger is in Syria to lobby to a two-hour daily pause in the fighting and free access for humanitarian workers. Amos, who visited the Baba Amr area of Homs last month, tweeted:
At least 1 million pple need humanitarian assistance in #Syria. Access remains top priority. Allocating $13 million from CERF as first step
? Valerie Amos (@ValerieAmos) April 3, 2012
struggles to find a definitive answer.
Exactly how rich is Khairat al-Shater, the Muslim Brotherhood's millionaire contender for the Egyptian presidency? Ahmed Feleha asks the question on Ahram Online's website butWhat we do know is that when 72 Brotherhood-related companies were confiscated by the authorities in 2007, a military court calculated Shater's total wealth at 80m Egyptian pounds ($13m). It seems likely, though, that he may also have some hidden assets because of the risk of confiscation under the Mubarak regime. Feleha writes:
As a prohibited political group, the Brotherhood had a history of hiding its resources to protect them from confiscation. Members of the organisation living in exile ? among them Youssef Nada in Switzerland and Kamal El-Helbawy in London ? were reportedly responsible for investment portfolios.
Shater himself spent many time in the UK, Jordan and Saudi Arabia between the years 1981 and 1987, according to the official site Ikhwan Wiki. He also sits on boards of several companies in Bahrain, Luxembourg and UK ...
If elected president he will be required to make a full disclosure, Feleha notes. In the meantime, the most informative public record of his business interests appears to be his profile on LinkedIn.
Writing in Foreign Policy, Alexander Brock, says Shater likes to call himself "the Engineer".
Al-Shater has been a prominent figure in Egypt due to his successful business endeavours in the furniture, textile, and software industries as well as to his position as the second in command and financier for the Muslim Brotherhood. An engineer by training and a socialist during Nasser's presidency, al-Shater, who prefers the moniker "the Engineer," is a multi-millionaire businessman and considered a frontrunner in the Egyptian presidential elections.
Front Line Defenders (FLD).
The Bahrain Grand Prix should be cancelled if political detainee Abdulhadi Alkhawaja dies on hunger strike, according to the Irish human rights groupThe F1 organisers insist that the event, scheduled for 20 April, will go ahead despite the continuing crackdown on anti-government protesters.
Mary Lawlor executive director of FLD, said:
It is impossible to imagine that the Bahrain Grand Prix will go ahead if Abdulhadi Alkhawaja dies on hunger strike in prison. The Bahraini authorities clearly want to present an image of business as usual but their seeming indifference to the plight of Abdulhadi, who has reached his 55th day without food, risks tragic consequences.
Lawlor said she spoke briefly to Alkhawaja in prison where he continues to refuse food. "He insisted that he would continue with his hunger strike until freedom or death. Unfortunately, I know just how determined he is," she said.
Alkhawaja has now lost a quarter of of his body weight, which means he is at serious risk of organ failure, she claimed.
FLD has called on the Bahraini authorities to allow Alkhawaja to travel for emergency medical in Denmark, where he holds a passport.
The leader of the opposition Syrian National Council, Burhan Ghalioun, has given a dismissive response to Bashar al-Assad's apparent pledge to pull back his forces and start a cease-fire next week.
Speaking to Bloomberg, Ghalioun said: "If he was sincere about it, he would have immediately ended the violence. Why wait for a week? Why kill 700 or 800 more Syrians?"
Ghalioun said the rebels would immediately end fighting if the government stops the violence.
Abdulhadi Alkhawaja, a human rights activists whose has been on hunger strike for 55 days, CNN reports.
Bahrain: Fears are growing for the health ofAlkhawaja, was sentenced to life in prison for his role in anti-government demonstrations. His daughter, Maryam, told CNN he "is entering a critical phase where his life is at stake."
Maryam, who had a nine-hour ordeal getting into Egypt yesterday, said her father was being moved to a different prison today.
The move is due to fears that he may go into a coma at any time, as his blood sugar and blood pressure have both further dropped, she said.
Protesters in Kafranabel, in Idlib province, don't believe Assad's apparent pledge to withdraw troops next week.
They held up a banner today depicting Assad lying to the international community.
Freedom and Justice Party has voiced disquiet about the decision to field millionaire businessman Khairat al-Shater as its presidential candidate, Reuters reports.
In Egypt, a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood'sIn a post on Facebook, Mohamed Beltagy, head of the FJP's Cairo bureau, wrote: "It is unfair for the nation and for the Brotherhood that it bears alone the responsibility for the nation completely in these critical times."
Reuters notes that the Brotherhood had earlier said it wanted to avoid monopolising political institutions in the post-Mubarak Egypt ? partly because it doesn't want to shoulder all the blame if things go wrong. But now, as well as constituting the biggest bloc in both houses of parliament and dominating the assembly drawing up a new constitution, it is also seeking the presidency.
Before Beltagy spoke out, though, most of the public criticisms of the decision had come from former Brotherhood members and others outside the organisation.
The Daily News Egypt website quotes a former Brotherhood member, Haitham Abou Khalil, as saying that the movement's Shoura Council had twice rejected Shater's nomination before narrowly accepting it by 56 votes to 52:
In the first meeting, 82% of the council members voted against his nomination, the percentage was reduced to 62 in the second meeting, until we reached 48% opposing his candidacy.
I am surprised that he accepted his nomination with the fact that only four members caused this decision.
Here's a summary of Syria developments so far today:
?�An advance team from the UN's peacekeeping department is expected in Damascus over the next two days to discuss deployment of observers to monitor a ceasefire in Syria. Syria has pledged to withdraw all military units from towns by April 10 to pave the way for a ceasefire with rebels two days later. Meanwhile, opposition strongholds in the central city of Homs and Zabadani, near the capital Damascus, came under renewed bombardment, according to activists.
?�Syria continues to insist that it will only agree to Kofi Annan's peace plan if the opposition lays down its arms first. Its UN ambassador, Bashar al-Ja'fari, said: "We expect Annan will contact the other sides, particularly those who are involved in arming the terrorist groups to end acts of violence."
? The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger, has lobbied Syria's foreign minister for a two-hour daily ceasefire. A foreign ministry spokesman claimed Walid al-Moualem gave a positive response to allowing humanitarian access to the worst hit areas, but suggested further discussions were needed on implementation.
? The Syrian president is unlikely to hold on to power much longer, according to his uncle, Rifaat al-Assad. "The problems are now general to all parts of Syria ? there are no places that have escaped violence ? so I don't think he can stay in power," Rifaat told the BBC.
Jonathan Fryer, a British freelance journalist who is also a member of the Liberal Democrats' International Relations Committee and a board member of the Council for Arab-British Understanding, reports that he has been turned away from Bahrain.
This morning I flew in, hoping for a couple of days of winding down before doing some work elsewhere in the Gulf only to find that nowadays even those of us with European passports don't just hand over five dinars and get a visa in 30 seconds. A significant number of people coming in on my flight (and those following) were taken aside while their documents were consulted against the Immigration Department's records.
My passport was held for almost four hours before a senior officer came out, bearing documents from my file, including printouts of tweets I published last year expressing dismay at the crackdown on demonstrations at Manama's Pearl Roundabout and the security forces' intervention in a major hospital where some of the wounded were being treated.
Politely but firmly the officer said I would not be allowed into the country, adding that "no-one has been killed in Bahrain" and that "the doctors who were taken away were revolutionaries who were trying to overthrow the King." Doubtless one day objective history will set the record straight; at least I hope so.
Anyway, I had some hasty rearranging to do and moved on to Doha in Qatar. Apparently I have now joined (Lord) Eric Avebury and others who have campaigned on human rights issues relating to Bahrain in becoming persona non grata there. It's a shame, because I still consider myself to be a true friend of Bahrain and of the Bahraini people ...
Syrian rebels should be helped as a way of getting at Iran.
Like many on the American right, Max Boot, from the Council for Foreign Relations, arguesWriting in the conservative website Commentary, he says:
It is imperative that the international community do more to even the odds for the embattled rebel fighters by providing them with arms and ammunition. These need not be heavy weapons that could potentially threaten Israel or destabilize neighboring countries?AK-47s, RPGs, and lots of ammunition will do. Otherwise, Bashar al-Assad will continue his homicidal campaign to stamp out the rebellion with the help of the Iranian regime?and prevent the US from seizing a major opportunity to alter the balance of power in the Middle East against the ayatollahs.
UN peacekeeping experts will travel to Damascus in the next two days, Reuters reports.
An advance team from the UN peacekeeping department is expected in Damascus within 48 hours to discuss deployment of observers to monitor a ceasefire in Syria, the spokesman for international mediator Kofi Annan said on Tuesday.
"A DPKO (Department of Peacekeeping Operations) planning mission should be arriving in Damascus within 48 hours," Annan spokesman Ahmad Fawzi told Reuters in Geneva.
Laila Lalami describes a return visit to her homeland in an article for the Daily Beast and finds widespread frustration, despite the king's efforts to avert an uprising with a new constitution and other reforms. She writes:
Morocco: NovelistThe big question, the question that weighed on my mind throughout my stay, was whether these extremely modest reforms had had any effect on ordinary people?people like my family. But I didn't hear the long and thorny discussions of democracy I had expected.
Democracy was a word used by other people ? the king, the protesters, the politicians, the media ? and they were using it to mean different things. Instead, the conversations I heard focused on issues that were more mundane and arguably more urgent: the cost of living, the ubiquitous corruption, the shoddy state of hospital care, the appalling state of public education, the waste of government money on flashy projects.
The unemployment rate, she says, is 16% among university graduates and as high as 30% among urban youths. Attending a fairly small demonstration in Casablanca, she continues:
I couldn't help noticing all the plainclothes police. They stood around the plaza, scowling at protesters and occasionally taking pictures. The protesters didn't seem to care. They had broken up into smaller groups to listen to one speaker or another or to chat among themselves.
Gone were the moderate demands of a year ago. Now one of the signs put it more bluntly: "Down with M6." M6 is a nickname for King Mohammed, the sixth by that name.
Assad regime appears to be imposing its own terms on implementation of Annan's six-point plan, writes Time's Tony Karon.
TheWestern and Arab powers have been forced to walk back from the demand that Assad stand down as a pre-condition for resolving the crisis; Annan's plan involves a cease-fire, demilitarising the conflict and creating space for peaceful political opposition, but its key dimension is the recognition that the political negotiations over Syria's future will be conducted with the regime, rather than after it has been dispatched.
Negotiating with Assad remains unpalatable to the opposition ... not least because it hasn't manifested itself in the form of a single, organized body with sufficient strength on the ground to have forced its way into a more dominant position in Annan's reckoning ...
Compromise solutions to violent political conflicts are more likely to be successful when the combatants find themselves locked in a stalemate where each side recognises that while it can survive the attacks of its opponent, its own attacks are unable to eliminate that opponent. But there's no such symmetry currently at work on the Syrian battlefield ? the rebels remain able to harass the regime, but their attempts to hold territory have largely failed.
eport in Arabic). Presumably the statesman he has in mind is Amr Moussa himself.
Egypt needs to be led by a statesman, not a businessman, presidential contender Amr Moussa said last night (rThe "businessman" reference alludes to the millionaire al-Shater, the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate.
Meanwhile, the US embassy in Cairo posted a rather intriguing statement on its website, under the heading "Correction for the Record". It says:
Contrary to recent press reports claiming to characterize meetings that US Senator John McCain and US ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson held with the Muslim Brotherhood during the Senator's recent visit to Cairo, there was no discussion of whether the Muslim Brotherhood would or should run a candidate in the upcoming presidential election in Egypt. Senator McCain and Ambassador Patterson were not asked for their support, nor did they offer their support, for such a proposal from the Muslim Brotherhood. The question of who will run for office in Egypt is an internal matter that is entirely up to the Egyptian people. The United States takes no position on this subject.
The United States will continue to support the Egyptian people and their goal of a democratically-elected civilian government that respects universal human rights, including the protection of women, minorities and the press, and will help them address their economic challenges and meet their aspirations for dignity, freedom and a better life.
Amr Moussa, came out of top in poll of presidential hopefuls conducted by Ahram before the entry into the race of Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Khairat al-Shater.
Egypt: Former foreign minister and head of the Arab League,The polling will have already changed significantly, the Arabist notes, but he translates what it found:
1. Amr Moussa, former head of the Arab League: 31.5%
2. Salafi sheikh Hazem Salah Abu Ismail: 22.7%
3. Mubarak-appointed (and short-lived) interim prime minister Ahmad Shafiq: 10.2%
4. Mubarak intelligence chief Omar Suleiman (who has not officially announced his candidacy): 9.3%
5. Former Brotherhood leader and Islamist moderate Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh: 8.3%
6. Leftist opposition figure Hamdeen Sabahi: 4.9%
Information Affairs Authority and the Gulf Daily News ? over a visit from members of the US Congress.
There's excitement in Bahrain ? or at least in the offices of theThe group were reportedly briefed on "Bahrain's accomplishments" and
"expressed pleasure at visiting the kingdom, praising the development witnessed in Bahrain and the democratic stride".
According to the Gulf Daily News, "they lauded the bold Royal steps, citing particularly the establishment of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) and the implementation of the recommendations". (The recommendations have not been properly implemented, Human Rights Watch said in a report last week.)
Under the headline "Bahrain propaganda special", EA WorldView takes a detailed look at the visiting Congress members and their relationships with the regime.
Whether the delegation's views of the situation were as glowing as they have been portrayed in the regime's media remains to be seen. The regime has a history of making up favourable quotes from foreigners.
Rifaat al-Assad (pictured).
The Syrian president is unlikely to hold on to power much longer, according to his uncle,"The problems are now general to all parts of Syria ? there are no places that have escaped violence ? so I don't think he can stay in power," Rifaat has told the BBC.
However, he suggested Bashar should "co-operate with a new government and offer the experience he has" ? adding that the Assad family was still "pretty much accepted by the Syrian people".
Rifaat, who is the 74-year-old younger brother of the late President Hafez al-Assad, personally oversaw the 1982 Hama massacre and later went into exile after trying to stage a coup against his brother. He continued to have a political voice through Arab News Network, a satellite TV channel run by his son, Sumer.
Another of his sons, Ribal, runs the Organisation for Democracy and Freedom in Syria (ODFS), a non-profit company registered in Britain. The ODFS has been trying to drum up political support in the west as part of the Syrian opposition, though it is not recognised as such by most other opponents of the regime.
The BBC's Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen suggests Rifaat's latest remarks are a sign that he has ambitions for a future role in Syria. In the interview, Rifaat says:
A commission should go from the Arab League and the [UN] Security Council to monitor free and transparent elections.
"Then you will see that the Assad family has got much more importance and support than some of the meaningless figures [of the opposition Syrian National Council] who we see on TV screens now.
nine-hour ordeal trying to get into Egypt yesterday.
Maryam Alkhawaja, spokeswoman for the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, describes herSpeaking to al-Jazeera Alkhawaja says she was "blown away" by the response from Egyptian activists after she initially tweeted that she had been deported.
Syria will only agree to Kofi Annan's peace plan if the opposition lays down its arms first.
Syria's state news agency Sana suggestsIt said:
Annan informed members of the UNSC of his mission in Syria, saying that Syria has agreed his plan, but it awaits a commitment by the opposition to halt violence and withdraw the armed terrorist groups.
It quoted Syria's UN ambassador, Bashar al-Ja'fari, as saying: "We expect Annan will contact the other sides, particularly those who are involved in arming the terrorist groups to end acts of violence."
Ja'fari also accused the Friends of Syria group of undermining Annan's plan.
There are conflicting accounts of a possible Free Syrian Army raid against the national hospital in Homs, yesterday.
Some activist claimed the hospital was "liberated" but this is far from verified.
Video footage has emerged purporting to show fighting around the building
Homs activist Abu Abdel Rahman, told the Guardian that the FSA attacked a military checkpoint in front of the hospital to retrieve bodies being kept in a morgue.
He claimed that the authorities had converted hospitals into military barracks across Syria to prevent injured protesters being treated. He said he didn't know whether the rebels controlled the hospital.
The activist group the Syrian Revolution General Commission, said 64 bodies were found in the hospital yesterday. Another activist group, the Local Co-ordination Committees in Syria, said 75 unidentified corpses were found there.
EA WorldView is treating the story with caution but says it is potentially an important development.
The death toll and the lack of information from Homs obscured what appears to be a significant story. If insurgents can re-take one of Syria's largest hospitals, after weeks of siege and attack by regime forces, what did this say about the possibilities for President Assad's military to put down resistance once and for all?
The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger, is in Damascus lobbying for a two-hour daily ceasefire.
Kellengber has meet foreign minister Walid al-Moualem, according to tweets from foreign ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi.
Minister Moualim is having a positiveand constructive talks now with the head of the ICRC and Head of SARC
? Dr.Jihad Makdissi (@Makdissi) April 3, 2012
They explored ways to improve access and cooperation with ICRC... Channels of Com are open ..Syria is engaging positively undoubtfully
? Dr.Jihad Makdissi (@Makdissi) April 3, 2012
(all times BST) Welcome to Middle East Live. Syria's pledge to partially implement Kofi Annan's peace plan by 10 April has been greeted with widespread scepticism.
Here's a roundup of the main developments
? Syria has told the international envoy Kofi Annan that its military will withdraw troops and heavy weapons from populated areas by 10 April. Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the UN, said: "We have seen commitments to end the violence followed by massive intensifications of violence. So the United States, for one, would look at these commitments and say, yet again, the proof is the actions, not in the words."
Mohammed, a former Idlib prison guard who defected to the opposition and then fled to Turkey, describes the torture he witnessed:
One man lost an eye in a beating. If prisoners refused to say that 'Assad is our leader', they sat them down naked on to a glass bottle. The bottleneck penetrated [their anus].
Um Eddine, a mother of four whose husband was arrested in December, describes fleeing across the border to Jordan where a family were helped by soldiers:
My three-and-a-half year-old asked me, why do these soldiers gave us tea while the ones at home kill people? I said: 'Because that is Syria.' My sons haven't gone to school for a whole year. They haven't been able to play in the streets for a year. In Daraa, they were in a state of fear the whole time. I pray that I will see my husband again. I pray for him and all those who are arrested.
? Egypt's foreign minister has warned that arming Syrian rebels could lead to civil war, the Egyptian Independent reports. Mohamed Kamel Amr also called for meeting with the Syrian opposition at the Arab League's headquarters in Cairo.
? Syria's rebels have been forced to abandon efforts to hold territory and focus instead on guerilla tactics, a senior opposition commander told the Telegraph. He said: "After what happened in Deraa, in Homs, in Idlib, the Free Syrian Army is not focusing on holding cities anymore. We are now adopting guerilla tactics; we have watchers who spy on checkpoints and attack." Brown_Moses, a frequent commenter on this blog, notes an increase in IED attacks against Assad's forces and compiles a series of videos purporting to show such incidents on his new blog.
? The Muslim Brotherhood's decision to field Khairat al-Shater as a candidate in the presidential election is seen by some as a panicky response to manoeuvring by the generals who ousted Hosni Mubarak. Rumours that Mubarak's intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, is about to declare his candidacy have fuelled expectations of a dramatic fight.
Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/middle-east-live/2012/apr/03/syria-crisis-live-updates
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