Biyernes, Agosto 19, 2011

Small Talk: Jamie Roberts | Sachin Nakrani

The Wales rugby star on his country's Rugby World Cup hopes, his medical career and his favourite biscuit

Hi Jamie, how are you? I'm good thanks Small Talk.

Being a top rugby player you've done loads of interviews in the past, but nothing quite like this. Do you know what Small Talk is all about? I do. I've read a few so I know what to expect. Looking forward to it actually. Bring it on.

Great. So are the Wales boys still buzzing after last Saturday's win against England? It was really pleasing to get a win, especially in front of our own fans. We haven't won many games recently and needed to change that so close to the World Cup. It was an important result.

Must have been particularly special given you stuffed the enemy? It's always nice beating England isn't it?! We were disappointed not to have won at Twickenham the week before, we felt we were the better side, so it was nice getting the job done in Cardiff.

So can Wales win the World Cup? [laughs] We're just going to take each game as it comes.

Will Wales ever win the World Cup? I don't see any reason why not.

In the next 20 years? In the next couple of months hopefully!

Speaking of the World Cup, what's all this we hear about ? Wales's new Under Armour shirt? Yeah, we've got a new shirt for the World Cup, which, I believe, will be the strongest and lightest at the tournament.

We get the light bit, but how is the shirt 'strong' and how will that help Wales win rugby matches? Well, opposition players are always trying to grab your shirt when you're attempting to make a half-break here, a half-break there, but there's no chance of them doing that with this one as it's close to the skin and has practically no give. That 1% can make all the difference.

Fair enough. Do you have any other favourite shirts? There's a couple of Hugo Boss numbers in the wardrobe that I get out when I feel like dressing up smart. That's not often, though, as normally I just dress like a scruffy student!

And that's because you used to be a student isn't it? I still am!

Really ? Yeah, I'll be doing the final year of my medical degree after the World Cup.

At Cardiff University? That's right.

That must be exciting ... It is, but being in the spotlight I know I need to behave and not act like a plank. But I'm OK with that; I actually enjoy being able to leave rugby behind and get back to reality. It's good for me.

Which is more fun, playing international rugby or being a student? Both have their merits, especially when it comes to attracting women, which is the most important thing!

You mean you're the perfect combination of brain and brawn? [laughs]. Something like that!

So you've got a girlfriend then? No, no. I'm single at the moment.

But how can that be if you're the perfect man? Well I haven't met the perfect woman!

Back to university life, you must have some cracking tales of student nights out? I've got many good tales but none I can share with you! It wouldn't be responsible of me.

That's a shame ... Let's just say Freshers' Week was awesome.

Have any other players in the Wales squad got a degree? A few actually. Alun Wyn Jones has a degree in law, Ryan Jones did a degree in sport and, er, something else, and Rhys Priestland has a degree in economics. There's a couple of others as well I think, but can't remember who.

Wow. So Wales may not win the World Cup but you'll probably have the smartest squad in New Zealand ... That's true. Hopefully some of that intelligence will transfer on to the pitch.

Being medically trained and all, I'm guessing you could probably save Warren Gatland's life if he was choking on a bone or something? Possibly, but I hope I never have to as I tend to forget everything I've been taught as soon as my end-of-year exams are over!

You into any other sports Jamie? I used to play cricket when I was young. I was pretty good at it actually but chose to focus on rugby when I was 15 or 16 yearsold.

Were you a bowler or a batsman? Opening bowler, batted at four.

Impressive. You a bit of a quickie then? Yeah ? quick and wide!

What about dancing, Jamie? Now and again. I'm pretty big into my house music. That can definitely get me going.

And rapping? Do you like rapping? A bit yeah. I like 2Pac's stuff quite a lot.

Could you do a rap for Small Talk? I know all the world to Changes by 2Pac, but I ain't doing it for you!

OK. Well tell us a joke instead ... A joke? Yeah I can do that. A man waiting at the bus stop has three heads, no arms and one leg. The bus driver pulls up and says to him: "Hello, hello, hello, you look armless enough, hop on."

That's brilliant! Thanks Small Talk.

Who'd win in a fight, a lion or a shark? A lion.

Charlotte Church or Katherine Jenkins? Katherine, definitely.

Custard creams or Bourbons? Ooh ... Bourbons.

Favourite TV programme? Entourage.

Last book you read? Umm ... It was probably Gray's Anatomy.

Last song you listened to? It was in the car; Save the World by Swedish House Mafia.

Favourite pie filling? Apple.

And finally, what's the best thing about being Welsh? That's a tough one ... I'd say being part of a small, proud nation.

Another good answer Jamie. Well that's it. Thanks for speaking to Small Talk ... No problem. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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